Sunday, May 10, 2009

mangoes here!

hey this is my first time blogging so im gonna explain my favoaite subject ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So i have a boyfriend he is soooo cute and sweet i luv him. My bff is tamsen im gonna miss her shes moving to texas and she is so funny. Makayla aahh makayla shes so weird shes moving to winter park. were the three muskateeres Mango,Tango, and Makango. boy middle school is not gonna be the same with out them tm gonna die of depression next year! I have two ohter bffs Montana and Sophia bolth sportie but also they listen when im sad so ill be better next year. were also the three muskateeres MMS whitch is also montana's anatals when we were little we made a club called MMS we were such dorks! now let me talk a little bit more about my boyfriend, he is soooooo sweet but my friends say hes a jerk ive dted him sevral times before but ive never been the dumper always the dumpee should i give him another chance if he dumps me again or say no? well just e-mail me with your awnsers @ and ill give you the polls of wether yes or no!
luv ya guys

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